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End Tech Abuse Across Generations: An overview of response tools for youth-serving adults Over the past 3 years, Break the Cycle and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) have worked to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills of youth-serving adults on youth experiences of tech-facilitated sexual, dating, domestic violence and stalking. This webinar will introduce our End Tech Abuse Across Generat...
Tech Support: Building capacity among secondary school campus safety professionals
Tech use & misuse is common among stalking, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence cases, and is even greater when cases involve youth. While the field has begun to emphasize the role of campus safety on college campuses there is still more to learn. Webinar SlidesDownload
Evidentiary Issues in Teen Cyber Abuse Cases, Nicole Beck, Staff Attorney at Break the Cycle This webinar will explore best practices for criminal justice professionals, including judges, prosecutors, police, victim advocates, and campus safety personnel, who work with students around gathering and preserving evidence related to cyber abuse.